Snipt – isagoksu – Show the process ID that uses specific port | Share and store code or command snippets.

# The linux fuser command has a special option for port conflicts.

# Use fuser -n tcp <port id> for tcp ports to see which process is using

# the port.

# For example to see which application is already using port 80 use:

$ fuser -n tcp 80

# The netstat command can also be used to determine what process is using

# a port.

# Use netstat -nlp and you should see PID and names of programs along with

# the port they are using (note you can only see the PID of process you

# own, unless running as root)

$ netstat -p

viaSnipt – isagoksu – Show the process ID that uses specific port | Share and store code or command snippets..

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