Sonde IPMI sous Collectd et CGP

Sous /etc/rc.local modprobe ipmi_devintf modprobe ipmi_msghandler modprobe ipmi_si sous /etc/collectd/collectd/collectd.conf LoadPlugin ipmi plugin sensor.php devient ipmi.php  

stress complet d’un serveur linux

  stress –cpu 16 –vm 90 –vm-bytes 1024M –io 512 –vm-keep –hdd 200 –verbose –timeout 3600 ou : –cpu = nombre de core — vm-bytes : 1024 mo par vm –io : 512 entrée sorties par vm –vm-keep : on charge la ram de vm * vm-bytes –hdd : 200 fichiers de 1 go –timeout […]

ipmi lister sondes

ipmitool sdr type « Temperature » ipmitool sdr type « Fan »  

[Tutorial] Linux: “Fatal: no entropy gathering module detected”

Since friday, I have a VPS server with Debian. I had to upgrade my VPS from Lenny to Squeeze (from stable to testing). Upgrading went right, but I got that Fatal message in the title, when starting up CenterIM and Elinks. Googling it was a pain in the ass, but I’ve found something. That’s why […]

CLUG Wiki – RAID-1 in a hurry with grub and mdadm

Re-install the grub loader grub> device (hd0) /dev/hda root (hd0,0) setup (hd0) quit viaCLUG Wiki – RAID-1 in a hurry with grub and mdadm.

Orange/Wanadoo et « Too many connections, slow down. OFR004_104 [104]) » | Zapoyok

Orange/Wanadoo et « Too many connections, slow down. OFR004_104 [104]) » Depuis le 17 décembre environ, Orange a modifié (une fois de plus) le fonctionnement de ses serveurs de mail. Cette fois la conséquence est la suivante : très rapidement lors d’un mailing les serveurs d’Orange refusent les mails avec le message suivant : Dec […]

Using IPV6 On OpenVZ Containers |

Using IPV6 On OpenVZ Containers Posted on June 1, 2009, 12:01 am, by Michael, under How To. Many of you have probably used OpenVZ and got very angry at the fact that out the box, the ipv6 support is there, but difficult, hidden and badly documented. Well one of the most common compliants is that […]

zssh, interactive file transfer wrapper for ssh

zssh, ZModem ssh, an alternative way to ssh and scp? To perform file transfer and ssh in ordinary way you need ssh and scp. Conventional way, let say you want to download certain files from a root directory of a server which you do not sure where is the actual location. First you login to […]

pense bete trouver contenu d’un fichier

find . | grep php$ | xargs grep ‘ce que je cherche’ | sort | more

Snipt – isagoksu – Show the process ID that uses specific port | Share and store code or command snippets.

# The linux fuser command has a special option for port conflicts. # Use fuser -n tcp <port id> for tcp ports to see which process is using # the port. # For example to see which application is already using port 80 use: $ fuser -n tcp 80 # The netstat command can also […]