MySQL Error 23 on Linux | Chris Johnson’s Blog

If you have ever encountered a “23 error” you are most likely running MySQL on a windows machine. The error looks something like this: ERROR 23 (HY000): Out of resources when opening file ‘./somedb/sometable.MYD’ (Errcode: 24) What this error typically means is that MySQL has exceeded the limit for the number of files you can […]

PHP 5.3 : Configuration par répertoire basée sur des fichiers .ini – Pascal MARTIN (n+1).zéro

php.ini : Sections PATH et HOST La seconde nouveauté au niveau de la configuration de PHP, toujours en mode CGI, est l’ajout du support des sections PATH et HOST, utilisables dans le fichier php.ini. Section PATH Il est possible, à partir de PHP 5.3, de définir dans le fichier php.ini système des valeurs de directives […]

With a Little Help from my Friend | How to recreate root account in MySQL

Today I was trying to log in to mysql database administration on one of my hosting machines and as I was getting ‘permission denied for user rott@localhost’ I tried to fix the root account and reset its password. But I wasn’t successful and later on I realized, that the root account was deleted from the […]

Postfix with SASL-Authentication in Debian – Jonas Genannt

I think SMTP-AUTH is very important! Here is a short HowTo for Postfix with sasl authentication against shadow. First install the necessary packages: apt-get install postfix-tls libsasl2-modules sasl2-bin Open the /etc/default/saslauthd for the configuration. # This needs to be uncommented before saslauthd will be run automatically START=yes # You must specify the authentication mechanisms you […]

htdigest sous Lighttpd

Les htaccess n’existent pas sous Lighttpd, mais il y a un équivalent de taille. Vérifiez avant de commencer que le module mod_auth est bien chargé. Nous allons dans un premier temps générer (avec -c pour la première fois, comme un htaccess) un fichier contenant les identifiants pour être autoriser à consulter tel ou tel site : […]

Compressing PHP Output « Newest Industry

output_buffering = Off output_handler = zlib.output_compression = On viaCompressing PHP Output « Newest Industry.

Run PHP with a light weight webserver |

Multiple light-weight httpd server In search for a lightweight solution to run some php pages on my Debian diskless shellserver it appears there are several lightweight httpd daemons in Debian that can do php. I created some virtual machines on KVM to do some testing. Here follows a short howto to get the different httpd […]

How To Save Traffic With Apache2’s mod_deflate | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials

How To Save Traffic With Apache2’s mod_deflate Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com> Last edited 05/15/2006 In this tutorial I will describe how to install and configure mod_deflate on an Apache2 web server. mod_deflate allows Apache2 to compress files and deliver them to clients (e.g. browsers) that can handle compressed content […]

Optimiser le Gzip de son Apache pour Google | // Développement, Open Source et contexte Web2.0

1. Installation des modules Apache Par défaut sous Debian le module deflate est enclenché, le module headers nous serviras dans le cadre d’environnement utilisant un proxy. On enclenche donc ces deux modules au niveau d’Apache, pour cela on lance une console SHH sur notre serveur et on lance les commandes suivantes : a2enmod deflate a2enmod […]

How to WWW Redirect the Right Way! (Apache, nginx and lighttpd)

Canonical URL is part of a problem for most blogs. Most people who concern about different versions of a URL that display the same content are likely worry about duplicate content issue. As we know, that is not good from the search engine standpoint. The solution is to www redirect — redirecting your blog from […]