DL de l'iso netinst depuis : ftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/ftp.centos.org/6.0/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.0-x86_64-netinstall.iso lancement de l'install l'url d'installation va etre : ftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/ftp.centos.org/6.0/os/x86_64/
rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries | Racker Hacker
rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries If up2date throws some horrible Python errors and rpm says « rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries », you can restore your system to normality with the following: The errors: rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries error: db4 error(22) from db->close: Invalid […]