Streaming MOH – KlavoWiki

Streaming MOH with Asterisk mpg123 is the application to be used to stream internet radio into Asterisk. Installing mpg123 The first thing we need to do is to download the application mpg123. Go to the source forge site for the latest version. I’ll use mpg123 Version 1.7.3 as an example. cd /tmp wget […]

HowtoMySQL – Infogerance Evolix – Trac

Search: Login Settings Help/Guide About Trac Wiki Timeline Roadmap View Tickets Search Wiki Navigation Start Page Index by Title Index by Date Last Change Howto MySQL ¶ Documentation officielle : Installation ¶ Sous Debian Lenny, la version proposée est la 5.0 : # aptitude install mysql-server Note : lors des demandes de mot de […]